Reunion of 1992 and 2002 All Ireland Colleges Champions

  20 September, 2022

Following the schools’ golf classic last Friday evening many members of the two All-Ireland winning panels came together for a joint get-together to mark their 30th and 20th anniversaries since their marvellous successes.  There was a palpable sense of excitement in Tipperary Golf Club as many of the group had not seen each other for many years and in some cases decades.  They enjoyed many hours of craic and banter as they reminisced of past glories, losses, teachers and classmates.  Thanks to our own Jerry Ring they were able to pour over many photos of the past and from the day of the final itself.  Whilst a little older they still had all the life and energy they had in their school days.

Their Coach and Manager, Paddy Kelly addressed those gathered to give a passionate recount of the rise of hurling in the school throughout the seventies and eighties leading to ultimate success in 1992 with the winning of the All Ireland Colleges “B” Title.  He wished the school well for the year ahead and hoped that they could again challenge for honours at the highest level.  Present on the night was the captain of the 1992 winning side Brian Lacey.  He was also joined by the captain of the 2002 winning side, Andrew Morrissey.  Past staff members, JJ Kennedy and Michael Ryan joined the group on the night and enjoyed the memories and banter of the evening.

Principal of the Abbey School, John Kiely also addressed the group and expressed his delight that they had gone on to live fruitful and successful lives after leaving the Abbey.  He noted that was the school’s wish for all its students and would always be.  He presented the members of each panel with a commemorative sliotar manufactured by Cummins Sliotars of Cork with the school crest and the match title and score also printed on it.

The evening culminated with a group photo of both panels and staff of the school.  Everyone looks forward to many more reunions in the years ahead.