Abbey School & Arravale Rovers Golf Classic 2021

  27 August, 2021





TheAbbey School and Arravale Rovers Golf Classic takes place on 16th(2-4pm)and 17th(All Day) September 2021 in Tipperary Golf Club, with the aim of raising much-needed funds to augment funding for the Astroturf Development

The Golf Classic should bring in much-needed resources to aid in the contruction of the new Astroturf Development. Chairperson of the Abbey School Board of Management, Michael Martin, is appealing to past pupils, local businesses and sports clubs to support the Golf Classic by entering teams or by sponsoring a Tee Box.  Teams of four are required and the cost is €200 per team and a meal is included following participation.  Businesses or individuals can also sponsor a Tee Box for €50 if they are unable to attend.

The Abbey School is an Edmund Rice Trust School renowned for educational and sporting excellence.  The school draws on students from West Tipperary and East Limerick.  It is one of the few schools in Ireland to have won All-Ireland Colleges Senior titles in both hurling and football – (1992 – H) , 1998 –F), 2002 – H) and 2016 – H ) Successful captains included well-known inter-county players – Brian Lacey, Peter Leonard, Andrew Morrissey, Damien O’Brien and Tommy Lowry.  Paddy O’Kelly , former Limerick inter-county player, Arravale Rovers’ Tom O’Donoghue and present P.E. teacher, Kieran Hickey, have been notable successful team mentors. This development will enhance PE Department, Leaving Certificate PE Curriculum and sports teams in our aim to become one of the top sporting campuses in Tipperary.

Arravale Rovers has a long tradition of sporting participation, success and community involvement. Over the years, many players from our club have represented Tipperary at various levels in hurling and football and more recently in Ladies football. Our Senior club continues to be successful and our Juvenile and Ladies football clubs cater for approximately 350 boys and girls of various abilities from the Tipperary town and its hinterland. Due to this welcome increase in our playing numbers, our existing facilities at Sean Treacy Park have come under increasing pressure for training and playing times. To this end we have joined with our close neighbours, The Abbey School, in this much needed Astroturf project. This is an innovative project and will further enhance the experience of all our players.

A special launch will be held on Friday 27th August at 12:30pm in the Abbey School and Sean Treacy Park where plans for the new Astroturf Development and the details of the Golf Classic will be unveiled.

All enquiries relating to the Golf Classic, Teeboxes or contributions can be made to Anne Marie Ruby at The Abbey School on 062-52299 or [email protected].  For Teebox payment the Abbey School bank details are as follows: IBAN: IE71BOFI90610191725954         BIC: BOFIIE2D

Andy Lacey is arranging the team entries for the timesheet and he can be contacted at 087-2410730.




The launch of the Golf Classic takes place:

Date:               27th August 2022

Time:               11am

Venue:             The Abbey School, Tipperary & Sean Treacy Park, Tipperary

Attending the launch will be:

  • John Kiely-Principal of The Abbey School & Limerick Senior Hurling Manager
  • Members of Arravale Rovers GAA, juveniles and LGFA
  • Golf team from the Abbey School
  • PE Department of The Abbey School
  • Conor Martin-member of recent All Ireland Winning Minor Hurling Team
  • Conor Sweeney-Tipperary Football Captain and Geography Teacher
  • Dominic Hayes-Board of Management Chairperson of The Abbey School